a paper mache rock sculpture

A big pile of egg cartons, rolls of chicken wire, old newspapers, pieces of carpet, moss and dried flowers.. it sounds like a random collection of stuff. And it probably was. But it also was my ingredient list for this paper mache rock sculpture. A design that balances on the edge of art and nature.

Longbarn carpets commissioned me to create a showstopping object for their stand at interior design fair IMM Cologne 2024. A job that was different than my usual work, but a really nice challenge. And the finished piece definitely looks like a natural installation!

I incoorperated pieces of carpet from their new collection, which gave a nice mossy look. Combined with actual moss and various dried flowers & grasses, the result is a beautiful and wild stacked rock garden. Also, can I just say.. how perfect are the colours and textures of these rugs? Autumn vibes all the way, swoon!

The process of creating this sculpture was intense, messy and interesting to say the least. But at the same time it was so nice to really work with my hands - without the stress of flowers drying. Especially when these rocks started to look like actual rocks! Minus the weight ;) You can see snippets of the process on my instagram account here.

And here’s how it looked in the Longbarn stand at IMM Cologne! The creative director mentioned it was the most photographed piece on the entire floor. It even drew crowds of curious people that wanted to know if it was real or not! The tactile appeal is REAL. Most importantly: customers remembered the brand because of this piece. Which is impressive, since IMM Cologne is a massive fair with hundreds of stands.

After the fair this sculpture was moved to the Longbarn showroom, so it has a long life ahead - thankfully! :)

Here’s the sculpture in its final place, the Longbarn showroom. It survived transport perfectly, I came by for repairs but there was hardly anything to do. In and out in 15 minutes :)

Let me share a phone photo with me in it, so you can see the scale of this! I’m 187 cm (yes, I’m tall), which means this piece is just under 2 meters. I didn’t measure it, but I’m proud of every cm of it. It was harder than I thought to leave this behind haha! But it’s in good hands with the lovely people from Longbarn.

Do you need a showstopping piece that combines the best of nature with an artistic view and whimsical look?

Tell me about your project, bring a healthy budget and who knows.. maybe the next magical design I create is for you!

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